Ecological Land Classification (ELC) of Ontario

ISO 19115-3 Metadata

Metadata Information

Metadata identifier:
Identifier code: ac174203-e72e-45b9-830a-0b80d39a80e1
Default locale:
Language code: eng
Character encoding: utf8
Metadata contact:
Role: custodian
Responsible party:
Name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Contact information:
Number type: voice
Number: 1 (705) 755-5975
Delivery point: 300 Water St., North Tower
City: Peterborough
Administrative area: Ontario
Postal code: K9J 3C7
Country: CA
e-mail address:
Name: Adam Hogg
Position name: Spatial Data Acquisition
Metadata date information:
Date type: revision
Date: 2019-03-29
Metadata standard:
Title: ISO 19115-3 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals
Edition: 2014
Other locale:
Language code: fre
Country code: CA
Character encoding: utf8
Metadata scope:
Resource scope: dataset

Data Identification Information

Resource citation:
Title: Ecological Land Classification (ELC) of Ontario
Alternate titles: ELC
Citation date:
Date type: creation
Date: 2003-02-01T00:00:00
Citation date:
Date type: revision
Date: 2003-02-01T00:00:00
Authority citation:
Title: LIO Metadata Management Tool UUID
Citation date:
Date type: publication
Date: 2019-04-11T15:13:33.317050
Identifier code: ac174203-e72e-45b9-830a-0b80d39a80e1
Authority citation:
Title: Ontario GeoHub French Record ID
Citation date:
Date type: publication
Date: 2023-07-13T16:11:45.119-04:00
Identifier code: 3ef86f4df5b24c4ca92da6d7b6bb3219
Cited responsible party:
Role: publisher
Responsible party:
Name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Abstract: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry defines ecological units on the basis of bedrock, climate (temperature, precipitation), physiography (soils, slope, aspect) and corresponding vegetation. This enhances their compatibility with national and continental classification systems. The ELC of Ontario is used for descriptive, planning, and resource management purposes. The upper levels in its hierarchy may be relevant for provincial and municipal land-use planning initiatives. The lower (finer-scale) levels of the hierarchy are most useful for detailed resource management prescriptions and other local and site planning applications. This packaged dataset is classified into 3 hierarchical categories: Ecozone: used for national and coarse-scale provincial reporting such as analyses of climate, demographics and watersheds Ecoregion: used for determining the significance or status of wetland classes and certain other natural heritage features (e.g., old growth forest), setting targets for Wilderness Class Provincial parks, State of the Forest reporting and studying natural disturbance regimes Ecodistrict used for assessing biodiversity levels, defining seed zones, mapping ecosystem types and setting targets for the identification of natural heritage systems Additional Documentation Introduction to ecological land classification Report on: The ecosystems of Ontario Part 1: ecozones and ecoregions Status Completed: Production of the data has been completed Maintenance and Update Frequency As needed: Data is updated as deemed necessary Contact Adam Hogg, Spatial Data Acquisition,
Purpose: The ELC of Ontario is used for descriptive, planning, and resource management purposes. The upper levels in its hierarchy are most useful for provincial and regional roll-ups of data and for strategic planning, while the lower (finer-scale) levels of the hierarchy are most useful for detailed resource management prescriptions and other local and site planning applications.
Credits: Open Government Licence – Ontario
Status: completed
Point of contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Responsible party:
Name: Ministry of Natural Resources
Contact information:
Number type: voice
Number: 1 (705) 946 7478
Number type: facsimile
Number: 1 (705) 946 2030
e-mail address:
Name: Peter Uhlig
Position name: Provincial Ecologist
Themes or categories of the resource: planningCadastre
Resource extent:
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
West longitude: -95.1569900512695
East longitude: -74.3079833984375
North latitude: 56.8501167297363
South latitude: 41.6722984313965
Resource maintenance:
Update frequency: asNeeded
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: large_thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: large_thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: large_thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: Sample Data File Name: ; Sample Data File Descr: ; Sample Data File Type: ; Sample Data File Size: 0
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: thumbnail
File type: png
Graphic overview:
File name:
File description: thumbnail
File type: png
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type: theme

Title: external
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type: unknown

Resource constraints:
General Constraints:
Limitations of use: Open Government Licence – Ontario
Resource constraints:
Legal Constraints:
Limitations of use: Open Government Licence – Ontario
Resource constraints:
Legal Constraints:
Access constraints: otherRestrictions
Other constraints: Other Constraints

Resource constraints:
Legal Constraints:
Use constraints: otherRestrictions
Other constraints: Other Constraints

Default locale:
Language code: eng
Character encoding: utf8
Environment description: ESRI's ArcGIS software (ArcInfo, ArcView, etc); ESRI shapefile

Reference System Information

Reference system identifier:
Identifier code: Grid CS = Geographic (Lat, Long); Map Proj = Not Applicable; Horiz. Datum = NAD83; Vert. Datum = Not Applicable

Data Quality Information

Data quality scope:
Scope level: dataset
Data quality report:
Relative internal positional accuracy:
Data quality measure:
Measure description: Horizontal: NRVIS drainage scale mapping: 1:10K in south 1:20K in near north 1:50K in north 1:250K in Hudson Bay Lowlands; Vertical: Not Applicable
Data quality result:

Resource Lineage

Lineage scope:
Scope level: dataset
Source description: National Topographic Series (NTS) Mapping
Source citation:
Title: National Topographic Series
Source description: NRVIS drainage layer
Source citation:
Title: Drainage