Metadata Document

ISO 19115-3 Metadata

Metadata Information

Metadata contact:
Metadata date information:
Metadata standard:
Title: ISO 19115-3 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals
Edition: 2014
Metadata scope:

Data Identification Information

Resource citation:
Abstract: The US Army Corps of Engineers has been regulating activities in the nation's waters since 1890. Until the 1960s the primary purpose of the regulatory program was to protect navigation. Since then, as a result of laws and court decisions, the program has been broadened so that it now considers the full public interest for both the protection and utilization of water resources. These boundaries represent USACE regulatory districts. Attribute information includes an address, telephone number and url for each district. Updated AUG 2023.
Purpose: USACE Regulatory Boundary.
Descriptive keywords:
Keywords: usace, coe, regulatory, boundary, geospatial, boundaries

Descriptive keywords:
Keywords: usace, coe, regulatory, boundary, geospatial, boundaries

Descriptive keywords:
Keywords: usace, coe, regulatory, boundary, geospatial, boundaries

Descriptive keywords:
Keywords: usace, coe, regulatory, boundary, geospatial, boundaries

Descriptive keywords:
Keywords: usace, coe, regulatory, boundary, geospatial, boundaries

Descriptive keywords:
Keywords: usace, coe, regulatory, boundary, geospatial, boundaries

Resource constraints:
General Constraints:
Limitations of use: This data set is publicly available without any use restrictions; however, this data set was developed for use at a national scale and may not be appropriate for use in local scale mapping.
Default locale: