World Continents

ISO 19115-3 Metadata

Metadata Information

Metadata identifier:
Identifier code: 2EB7539E-4F53-4A55-B81D-25299ABADB29
Default locale:
Language code: eng
Country code: US
Character encoding: utf8
Metadata contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Responsible party:
Name: Esri
Contact information:
Number type: voice
Number: +1-909-793-2853
Number type: facsimile
Number: +1-909-793-5953
Delivery point: 380 New York Street
City: Redlands
Administrative area: California
Postal code: 92373-8100
Country: US
e-mail address:
Hours of service: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday–Friday
Name: ArcGIS Content Team
Metadata date information:
Date type: revision
Date: 2023-08-29T00:00:00
Metadata standard:
Title: ISO 19115-3 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals
Edition: 2014
Metadata scope:
Resource scope: dataset
Scope name: dataset

Data Identification Information

Resource citation:
Title: World Continents
Citation date:
Date type: publication
Date: 2022-05-05T00:00:00
Edition: 2022
Cited responsible party:
Role: publisher
Responsible party:
Name: Esri
Contact information:
Delivery point: Redlands, California, USA
Cited responsible party:
Role: originator
Responsible party:
Name: Esri
Presentation format: mapDigital
Name: ArcGIS® Data and Maps
Issue: 2022 - World, Europe, and United States
Other citation details: Location: \world
Abstract: World Continents represents the boundaries for the continents of the world.
Purpose: World Continents provides a basemap layer of the continents for the world.
Status: completed
Point of contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Responsible party:
Name: Esri
Contact information:
Number type: voice
Number: +1-909-793-2853
Number type: facsimile
Number: +1-909-793-5953
Delivery point: 380 New York Street
City: Redlands
Administrative area: California
Postal code: 92373-8100
Country: US
e-mail address:
Hours of service: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday–Friday
Contact instructions: In the United States– Direct all inquiries regarding software/data pricing and consulting services to your local Esri Regional Office. For support, contact Esri by telephone (voice) between 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday, by dialing +1-888-377-4575; facsimile (fax) available at +1-909-792-0960; or visit; Esri holidays excluded. Email and chat are available through the Support page on My Esri ( Outside the United States– Direct all inquiries regarding software/data pricing, sales, support, and consulting services to your local Esri Office. This information can be found at For other questions or comments, you may contact Esri headquarters by email, telephone, or fax or write to us.
Name: ArcGIS Content Team
Spatial representation type: vector
Themes or categories of the resource: boundaries
Resource extent:
Extent description: publication date
Temporal element:
Temporal extent:
Date/Time: 1998-01-01
Temporal element:
Temporal extent:
Date/Time: 2007-03-01
Temporal element:
Temporal extent:
Date/Time: 2000-01-01
Temporal element:
Temporal extent:
Date/Time: 1996-01-01
Resource extent:
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
Extent contains the resource: true
West longitude: -180
East longitude: 180
North latitude: 83.6236
South latitude: -90
Resource maintenance:
Update frequency: annually
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type: place
Keywords: World

Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type: temporal
Keywords: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2007

Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type: theme
Keywords: coastlines, boundaries, polygon, continents

Descriptive keywords:
Keywords: Downloadable Data

Citation reference: 723f6998-058e-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66
Resource constraints:
General Constraints:
Limitations of use: See Resource Constraints > legal constraints.
Resource constraints:
Legal Constraints:
Access constraints: license
Use constraints: otherRestrictions
Other constraints: The data are provided by multiple, third party data vendors under license to Esri for inclusion on ArcGIS® Data and Maps for use with ArcGIS® software. Each data vendor has its own data licensing policies and may grant varying redistribution rights to end users. Consult the redistribution rights below for this dataset provided on Data and Maps. As used herein, “Geodata” shall mean any digital dataset consisting of geographic data coordinates and associated attributes. The redistribution rights for this dataset: Redistribution rights are granted by the data vendor for hard-copy renditions or static, electronic map images (e.g. .gif, .jpeg, and so on) that are plotted, printed, or publicly displayed with proper metadata and source/copyright attribution to the respective data vendor(s). Geodata is redistributable with a Value-Added Software Application developed by Esri Business Partners on a royalty-free basis with proper metadata and source/copyright attribution to the respective data vendor(s). Geodata is redistributable without a Value-Added Software Application (i.e., adding the sample data to an existing, [non]commercial dataset for redistribution) with proper metadata and source/copyright attribution to the respective data vendor(s). The terms and conditions below apply to all the datasets provided on Data and Maps. Proprietary Rights and Copyright: Licensee acknowledges that the Data and Related Materials contain proprietary and confidential property of Esri and its licensor(s). The Data and Related Materials are owned by Esri and its licensor(s) and are protected by United States copyright laws and applicable international copyright treaties and/or conventions. Limited Warranty and Disclaimer: Esri warrants that the media upon which the Data and Related Materials are provided will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. THE DATA AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE LIMITED WARRANTY, AND THE LICENSEE EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE DATA CONTAINS SOME NONCONFORMITIES, DEFECTS, OR ERRORS. ESRI DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE DATA WILL MEET LICENSEE'S NEEDS OR EXPECTATIONS; THAT THE USE OF THE DATA WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED; OR THAT ALL NONCONFORMITIES, DEFECTS, OR ERRORS CAN OR WILL BE CORRECTED. ESRI IS NOT INVITING RELIANCE ON THIS DATA, AND THE LICENSEE SHOULD ALWAYS VERIFY ACTUAL DATA. EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE, THE DATA AND RELATED MATERIALS CONTAINED THEREIN ARE PROVIDED "AS-IS," WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES: (A) THE DATA AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE NOT FAULT-TOLERANT AND ARE NOT DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED, OR INTENDED FOR USE OR RESALE FOR INSURANCE UNDERWRITING OR WITH CRITICAL HEALTH AND SAFETY OR ONLINE CONTROL EQUIPMENT IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS THAT REQUIRE FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, NAVIGATION OR GUIDANCE (I.E., AIRCRAFT, NAUTICAL VEHICLE, AND SO ON), OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL, EMERGENCY RESPONSE, TERRORISM PREVENTION OR RESPONSE, LIFE SUPPORT, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS ("HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES"). ESRI SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. (B) TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, LICENSEE AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD ESRI, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSORS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, LOSSES, CLAIMS, EXPENSES (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS' FEES), DEMANDS, OR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH LICENSEE'S USE OR PERMITTING THE USE BY OTHERS OF THE DATA, AND VENDOR'S HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. DELIVERY OF THE DATA, AND VENDOR'S HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS ARTICLE. Exclusive Remedy and Limitation of Liability: The entire liability of Esri or its licensor(s) and Licensee's exclusive remedy shall be to terminate the Agreement upon Licensee returning the Data and Related Materials to Esri with a copy of Licensee's invoice/receipt and Esri returning the license fees paid to Licensee. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESRI AND/OR ITS LICENSOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR COSTS OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOST PROFITS, LOST SALES, OR BUSINESS EXPENDITURES, INVESTMENTS, OR COMMITMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY BUSINESS; LOSS OF ANY GOODWILL; OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR USE OF THE DATA AND RELATED MATERIALS, HOWEVER CAUSED, ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, AND WHETHER OR NOT ESRI OR ITS LICENSOR(S) HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. Third Party Beneficiary: Esri's licensor(s) has (have) authorized Esri to (sub)distribute and (sub)license its (their) data as incorporated into the Data and Related Materials. As an intended third party beneficiary to this Agreement, the Esri licensor(s) is (are) entitled to directly enforce, in its own name, the rights and obligations undertaken by the Licensee and to seek all legal and equitable remedies as are afforded to Esri. In the event that the data vendor(s) has (have) granted the end user permission to redistribute the Geodata, use proper proprietary or copyright attribution for the various data vendor(s), and provide the associated metadata file(s) with the Geodata. In compliance with FGDC metadata standards, Esri has attempted to practice proper metadata methodologies by providing any data source information, descriptions, and file names to assist in this effort.

Default locale:
Language code: eng
Country code: US
Character encoding: utf8
Environment description: Esri ArcGIS

Spatial Representation Information

Vector Data

Level of topology for this dataset: geometryOnly
Geometric objects:
Object type: composite

Reference System Information

Reference system identifier:
Identifier code: 4326
Codespace: EPSG
Version: 6.2(3.0.1)

Data Quality Information

Data quality scope:
Scope level: dataset
Data quality report:
Topological consistency:
Data quality evaluation method:
The dataset is converted to file geodatabase (FGDB) format using tools in ArcGIS. The geometry is checked, and if needed repaired. The data set is created directly from a topologically correct ArcInfo® coverage.
Data quality result:
Data quality report:
Conceptual consistency:
Data quality measure:
Measure description: The dataset is converted to file geodatabase (FGDB) format using tools in ArcGIS. The geometry is checked, and if needed repaired. The data set is created directly from a topologically correct ArcInfo® coverage.
Data quality result:
Data quality report:
Completeness omission:
Data quality measure:
Measure description: After processing, the dataset is checked for drawing display and number of records and file sizes compared with source materials.
Data quality result:
Data quality report:
Absolute external positional accuracy:
Data quality measure:
Measure description: The geospatial part of this data set was originally extracted from the ArcWorld Supplement database and then generalized (tolerance unknown). The positional accuracy is unknown.
Data quality result:

Resource Lineage

Lineage scope:
Scope level: dataset
Source description: Attribute and geospatial data
Source spatial resolution:
Spatial resolution:
Equivalent scale:
Scale denominator: 3000000
Source citation:
Title: ArcWorld™ Supplement
Alternate titles: ArcWorld Supplement
Citation date:
Date type: publication
Date: 1996-01-01T00:00:00
Edition: 1
Cited responsible party:
Role: originator
Responsible party:
Name: Esri
Cited responsible party:
Role: publisher
Responsible party:
Name: Esri
Contact information:
Delivery point: Redlands, California, USA
Presentation format: mapDigital
Source description: Attribute and geospatial data
Source citation:
Title: The World Factbook 2007
Alternate titles: CIA Factbook
Citation date:
Date type: publication
Date: 2007-03-01T00:00:00
Edition: 2007
Cited responsible party:
Role: publisher
Responsible party:
Name: United States Central Intelligence Agency
Contact information:
Delivery point: Washington, DC, USA
Cited responsible party:
Role: originator
Responsible party:
Name: United States Central Intelligence Agency
Name: The World Factbook
Issue: 2007
Other citation details: The online Factbook is updated periodically throughout the year.
Online resource:
Online location:
Connection protocol:
Source description: Attribute data
Source citation:
Title: Missions Database
Alternate titles: GMI
Cited responsible party:
Role: originator
Responsible party:
Name: Global Mapping International
Cited responsible party:
Role: publisher
Responsible party:
Name: Global Mapping International
Contact information:
Delivery point: Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Process step:
Process description: The following steps were performed by Esri: Extracted the features from Esri® Data & Maps 1999 data set-admin98.shp. Updated political boundaries for countries and first-level administrative units. Used Continent attribute to dissolve out the necessary features to create the continents. Removed unnecessary attributes. Created ArcGIS® layer file (.lyr). Created projection file (.prj). Created spatial indices. Converted the data set to SDC.
When the process occurred:
Date/Time: 2001-01-11
Process source:
Source citation:
Alternate titles: ArcWorld Supplement
Process source:
Source citation:
Alternate titles: GMI
Process step:
Process description: The following steps were performed by Esri: Added SQKM attribute and calculated its values. Added SQMI attribute and calculated its values.
When the process occurred:
Date/Time: 2004-03-07
Process step:
Process description: The following steps were performed by Esri: Removed the Paracel and Spratly island groups.
When the process occurred:
Date/Time: 2005-02-11
Process step:
Process description: The following steps were performed by Esri: Corrected the east and south geographic extents. Converted the data set to SDC.
When the process occurred:
Date/Time: 2006-03-24
Process step:
Process description: The following steps were performed by Esri: Removed an area in the Netherlands where land was in the process of being reclaimed from the sea but was never completed.
When the process occurred:
Date/Time: 2007-03-22
Process source:
Source citation:
Alternate titles: CIA Factbook
Process step:
Process description: Converted the dataset into a file geodatabase.
When the process occurred:
Date/Time: 2014-04-01T00:00:00

Distribution Information

Distribution format:
Format specification citation:
Title: File Geodatabase Feature Class
Distribution format:
Format specification citation:
Title: File Geodatabase Feature Class
File decompression technique: ArcGIS® software
Distributor contact:
Role: distributor
Responsible party:
Name: Esri; Esri Offices
Contact information:
Number type: voice
Number: +1-800-447-9778
Delivery point: 380 New York Street
City: Redlands
Administrative area: California
Postal code: 92373-8100
Country: US
Contact instructions: In the United States, contact the Esri Sales staff at +1-800-447-9778 or visit for more information about our software and data. Outside the United States, direct all inquiries to your local Esri Office. This information can be found at
Distribution order process:
Fees: Software purchase price
Ordering instructions: Data and Maps is available only as part of ArcGIS® software.
Digital transfer options:
Online location:
Online location:
Connection protocol:
Name of resource: ArcGIS Data and Maps group
Description: Downloadable Data; Hosted Feature Layer
Digital transfer options:
Online location:
Online location:
Connection protocol:
Name of resource: My Esri
Description: Downloadable Data
Offline medium:
Medium name citation:
Title: dvd
Density units of measure: GB (gigabytes)
Medium format: UDF
Medium note: Offline Data