Habitat Connectivity Investment Priorities Public

Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Title: Habitat Connectivity Investment Priorities Public
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Online Linkage: https://data.wsdot.wa.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Shared/HabitatConnectivityData/MapServer/2
Online Linkage: https://data.wsdot.wa.gov/geospatial/DOT_EAO/HabitatConnectivity/HabConnPriorities_Public.zip
Abstract: Habitat Connectivity Investment Priorities are represented by two completely independent ranks, Ecological Stewardship and Wildlife-related Safety, and a third, Maximum Rank, that is simply the highest value found in Ecological Stewardship and Wildlife-related Safety ranks. These ranks were developed for the state highway system by 1-mile highway segment. The Ecological Stewardship rank reflects a highway segment’s overlap with the ranges of select Endangered or Threatened wildlife and its proximity to connected networks of habitat identified by the Washington Habitat Connectivity Working Group. The listed species selected for inclusion in the ranking process were those species known to be most affected by highways, either due to road mortality or behavioral avoidance or both. Lacking overlap with listed species’ ranges, a base score could still be given to highway segments that overlapped an area of high landscape integrity as identified by the Washington Habitat Connectivity Working Group (WHCWG). If a base score for any of these factors was assigned, rank values were then subject to multipliers for traffic volume and nearby blocks of public land. Highways that carry greater traffic volumes generally have a greater harmful effect on wildlife, both in terms of mortality and the barrier effect caused by behavioral avoidance. Protected lands (many public lands and private lands held in preserves or under protective easements) tend to offer a stable habitat base into the distant future and WSDOT investments in durable infrastructure are more likely to have long term benefits where public lands are present on one or both sides of the highway. The Safety Rank is a reflection of carcass removal and wildlife collision rates or simple overlap with the range of one of Washington’s larger wild animals. Identified carcass removal or collision problem areas were given higher numerical ranks than areas within the ranges of species but without a documented problem. The Maximum Rank is simply the highest of the other two ranks. Rankings updated in January 2018.
Purpose: The Habitat Connectivity Investment Priorities layer establishes High, Medium, and Low priority ranks for Ecological Stewardship and Wildlife-related Safety for the entire state highway system, by one mile segment, for consideration in Corridor Planning, Environmental Retrofit project identification, and Safety and Mobility projects.
Supplemental Information: These investment priority ranks should not be considered a final determination of the suitability or practicality of making investments in improving conditions for wildlife at specific locations. GIS data layers are imperfect and conditions change. Some species ranges were based on habitat connectivity models that use least cost path methods to identify the best connections between suitable habitats. In areas that are heavily developed or altered from native habitat conditions, the “best” paths can turn out to be impractical to restore to conditions that are suitable for the target wildlife. This needs to be considered on a case-by-case basis as the Habitat Connectivity Investment Priorities system is applied to on-the-ground projects. Because of the imperfections inherent in our GIS analysis and data, biologists and others who use these data must review the parameters that contributed to the final rank of any area being considered for connectivity investments. This includes review of the species whose ranges overlapped with the area of interest and, for the safety rank, review of the most current carcass removal or collision data. Similarly, land ownership and the habitat suitability and long term stability of habitat conditions should be verified where public lands occur near the highway. Consideration should also be given to traffic volumes and their potential to increase or decrease, potentially having an effect on the area’s rank. Additionally, protected land blocks were only considered if they were >5,000 ac in size and within one quarter mile of the highway. There are likely situations where habitat connectivity investments should be a high priority despite public lands being somewhat more distant from the highway. For example, this might be the case where private lands lying between the highway and public land are industrial forest land. Some types of private land tend to be suitable for wildlife movements and their suitability may have a high probability of persisting into the foreseeable future. Safety ranks can reflect similar problems of omission, particularly where carcass removals may not be reported as rigorously as in other areas. Also, State Patrol collision records don’t distinguish moose collisions from other collisions with wildlife. Since highway segments with relatively few moose collisions get a high Safety Rank, this is an important omission in the collision data and we are completely dependent on carcass removals to identify these important safety areas. This Non-Sensitive version does not include the sensitive carcasss removal and collision attributes that where included in the safety ranking.
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 20180206
Currentness Reference: publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: As needed
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -124.674937
East Bounding Coordinate: -116.861308
North Bounding Coordinate: 49.042695
South Bounding Coordinate: 45.504776
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: wildlife
Theme Keyword: habitat connectivity
Place Keyword Thesaurus: None
Place Keyword: WA
Place Keyword: Washington State
Access Constraints: Before being authorized to access this dataset, users will be required to affirm that they have viewed the contents and agree to comply with the guidance contained in "The Wildlife Carcass Removal Database", a series of Power Point images that explain the background and limitations of the database.
Use Constraints: For Planning use only. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) shall not be liable for any activity involving the use of the data, including, but not limited to, lost profits or savings or any other economic or consequential damages. Nor does the WSDOT warrant the fitness of the data for use for a particular purpose, or the installation of the data, its use, or the results obtained. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Data User shall hold harmless, defend at its own expense, and indemnify WSDOT, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers, against any and all liability, claims, losses, damages, or expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from all acts or omissions of the Data User or its officers, agents, or employees in its use of the WSDOT data.
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: WSDOT ESO Fish and Wildlife Program
Contact Person: Kelly McAllister
Contact Position: Habitat Connectivity Biologist
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing
Address: P.O. Box 47331
City: Olympia
State or Province: WA
Postal Code: 98504-7331
Country: US
Contact Voice Telephone: 360-705-7426
Contact Electronic Mail Address: McAllKe@wsdot.wa.gov
Data Set Credit: Washington State Department of Transportation
Security Information:
Security Classification System: Pursuant to federal law, these data shall not be subject to discovery or admitted into evidence in a court proceeding or considered for other purposes in any action for damages arising from any occurrence at a location mentioned herein (23 USC 409).
Security Handling Description: Pursuant to federal law, these data shall not be subject to discovery or admitted into evidence in a court proceeding or considered for other purposes in any action for damages arising from any occurrence at a location mentioned herein (23 USC 409).
Native Data Set Environment: Version 6.2 (Build 9200) ; Esri ArcGIS
Data Quality Information:
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 20130319
Title: Mazama Pocket Gopher Habitat Range
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: Mazama Pocket Gopher Habitat Range
Source Contribution: This dataset contain polygons which define mazama pocket gopher habitat ranges. The habitat ranges are based on WDFW Polygons and Points for occupied gopher habitat, detection points from WDFW field surveys (2012), and suitable soils from U.S. Department of Argriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: WSDOT Wildlife Carcass Removal Database Five-year Summary
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: WSDOT Wildlife Carcass Removal Database Five-year Summary
Source Contribution: This dataset contains a five year summary (2012-2016) of carcass removal data for Washington State highways. Vector points centered on the nearest whole Accumulated Route Mileage (ARM) value summarize frequencies of carcass removals for deer, elk, moose, bear, and bighorn sheep.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: Binary Networks, Washington Connected Landscape Project: Analyses of the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: Binary Networks, Washington Connected Landscape Project: Analyses of the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion
Source Contribution: This is a raster dataset of the habitat concentration areas (HCAs) and best linkages between HCAs for focal species in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion analysis. This data was used to represent the habitat ranges for Washington ground squirrel.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: Carnivore Landscape Permeability, US Forest Service
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: Carnivore Landscape Permeability, US Forest Service
Source Contribution: This is a raster dataset of habitat concentration areas (HCAs) and the best linkages between HCAs based on least cost analysis and potential movement for large carnivore species in Washington State. This data was used to represent the habitat ranges for grizzly bear and gray wolf, for the derivation of the Ecological Stewardship rank.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: Landscape Integrity, Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Statewide Analysis
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: Landscape Integrity, Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Statewide Analysis
Source Contribution: This is a raster dataset representing landscape areas that have little human modification
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: Major Public Lands, Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Source Scale Denominator: 100
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: Major Public Lands, Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Source Contribution: This is a vector polygon dataset of public lands in Washington State
Source Information:
Type of Source Media: None
Source Contribution: These data identify, in general, the areas of FINAL critical habitat for Rana pretiosa (Oregon Spotted Frog). Maps published in the Federal Register 2016.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: Narrow Network, Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Statewide Analysis
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: Narrow Network, Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Statewide Analysis
Source Contribution: This is a raster dataset of focal species habitat concentration areas (HCAs) and best linkages between HCAs from the Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Statewide Analysis. This data was used to represent the habitat ranges for elk, bighorn sheep, mule deer, black bear, Canada lynx, wolverine, and western gray squirrel.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: State Routes of Washington State 1:24,000 (2012), Routes in the Increasing Direction
Source Scale Denominator: 24
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: State Routes of Washington State 1:24,000 (2012), Routes in the Increasing Direction
Source Contribution: This vector polyline dataset represents the increasing side of the highway mileposting.
Source Information:
Type of Source Media: None
Source Contribution: These data identify, in general, the areas of FINAL critical habitat for Rana pretiosa (Oregon Spotted Frog). Maps published in the Federal Register 2016.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: Traffic Sections 2011, Washington State Department of Transportation Statewide Travel and Collision Data Office
Source Scale Denominator: 24
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: Traffic Sections 2011, Washington State Department of Transportation Statewide Travel and Collision Data Office
Source Contribution: This dataset contains polygons of suitable wildlife habitat areas where species are predicted to occur. This dataset was used for the woodland caribou habitat range.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: WSDOT Wildlife-Vehicle Collision Database, Multi-year Summary
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: WSDOT Wildlife-Vehicle Collision Database, Multi-year Summary
Source Contribution: This dataset contains a five year summary (2012-2016) of wildlife-vehicle collision data for Washington State highways. Vector points centered on the nearest whole ARM value summarize frequencies of vehicle collisions with deer and elk.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Polygons
Source Scale Denominator: 24
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Polygons
Source Contribution: This polygon vector dataset describes the occurrence of priority habitats and species. The habitat ranges for moose and northwest white-tailed deer were used in derivation of the Wildlife-related Safety rank. The pygmy rabbit range was used in the derivation of the Ecological Stewardship rank.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Title: USGS Gap Analysis Program Species Distribution Models
Type of Source Media: None
Source Citation Abbreviation: USGS Gap Analysis Program Species Distribution Models
Source Contribution: This dataset contains polygons of suitable wildlife habitat areas where species are predicted to occur. This dataset was used for the woodland caribou habitat range.
Process Step:
Process Description:
The Habitat Connectivity Investment Priorities layer provides high, medium, and low Safety and Ecological Stewardship habitat connectivity priority ranks for 1-mile highway segments. The ranks were derived from an analysis of base layer factors that occurred within ¼ mile of highway segments. The Safety rank base layer factors include, a union of the habitat ranges for deer, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, and black bear and the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions and carcass removals for these species. The Ecological Stewardship rank base layer factors include, a union of the habitat ranges of select Endangered Species Act (ESA) Federal listed endangered, threatened, or candidate species and ESA State listed endangered or threatened species, public land, Washington Habitat Connectivity Working Group’s landscape integrity layer, and estimated Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) counts. The base layers were created from a variety of GIS data sources. All of the base layers were projected to NAD 1983 HARN State Plane WA South (US feet), converted to polygons when needed, and clipped to the State boundary as necessary. Base layers were joined to highway segments that were buffered ¼ mile on both sides. Base layers that required additional processing are as follows: One mile highway segments centered on whole ARM values were created from WSDOT’s State Highway Log (2012). ARM values were entered in Excel spreadsheets and mapped using Display Route Events tool with 1:24K increasing state routes reference. The line segments were merged into one layer and buffered by ¼ mile on both sides. The public lands layer was created by merging DNR's ‘All Major Public Lands’ and ‘Federal Lands’ layers. All categories for ‘All Major Public Lands’ were selected except medical facility, public school lands, and incorporated city. The public lands layer was edited to remove areas that were already developed or had high potential for development. Public land polygons less than 5,000 acres in size were deleted. The remaining blocks of public lands were split by the state highways. After splitting, public land polygons that were less than 500 acres in size were deleted. Grizzly bear and gray wolf habitat ranges for the Ecological Stewardship rank were derived from the U.S. Forest Service Carnivore Landscape Permeability ‘Least Cost Analysis’ and ‘Potential Movement from Source Habitat’ layers. Grizzly bear range was a union of Habitat Concentration Areas, the best 50% least cost paths (1 through 5 levels) from the ‘Least Cost Analysis’ layer, and 100 km buffer (1 level) from the ‘Potential Movement from Source Habitat’ layer. Gray wolf range was a union of Habitat Concentration Areas, the best 30% least cost paths (1, 2, and 3 levels) from the ‘Least Cost Analysis’ layer, and 100 km buffer (1 level) from the ‘Potential Movement from Source Habitat’ layer. The gray wolf polygon was split by SR 97/SR 17 and the western polygon was used for Federal ESA listed habitat range. The entire polygon represents the State ESA listed range. Mazama pocket gopher habitat range for the Ecological Stewardship rank was created by digitizing polygons of known locations from WDFW's 2012 population surveys and suitable soils from NRCS for Thurston, Pierce, and Mason Counties. GAP distribution was used for Clallam County. Wildlife-vehicle collision and carcass removals for each species were summarized on the whole Accumulated Route Mileage (ARM) value for each highway segment. The frequency of vehicle collisions and carcass removals for each species were joined to the buffered highway segment layer using the unique identifier field, IDSRARM. AADT was derived from the 2011 Traffic Sections Estimated AADT layer. Increasing records were selected and exported to a new layer. The AADT polylines were spatially joined to the highway segment buffers.
Process Date: 20120101
Process Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: WSDOT ESO Fish and Wildlife Program
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing
Address: P.O. Box 47331
City: Olympia
State or Province: WA
Postal Code: 98504-7331
Process Step:
Process Description:
The previous description of the processes used to create the original Habitat Connectivity Investment Priorities data layer includes comments about changes made during a January 2018 update. In addition to those changes noted above (changes to the extent of protected lands, inclusion of proximity to focal species habitat networks, and the date of the AADT data), there were other changes. The Fisher, a state-listed Endangered species that had been reintroduced to the state, was included by joining its historic range in the Olympic and Cascade mountains to highway segments. A range expansion of Gray Wolves into the Blue Mountains was also added by joining the new range to highway segments. The Columbian white-tailed deer had been translocated to the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge north of Vancouver and a habitat connectivity model of connected suitable habitat was substituted for the old, more restricted range. This new, much wider range was also joined to highway segments. The Wildlife-related Safety Rank was completely redone using 2012-2016 carcass removal and collision data summarized by one mile highway segment.
Process Date: 20180101
Spatial Data Organization Information:
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Entity and Attribute Information:
Detailed Description:
Entity Type:
Entity Type Label: Habitat Connectivity Investment Priorities Public
Attribute Label: Ntwks1_winqtrmi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one half mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for a single focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: EcoRank
Attribute Definition: Categories for Ecological Stewardship Rank: None=0 Low=1, Med=2, and High=3.
Attribute Label: EstAADTFactor
Attribute Definition: This is the ecological rank multiplier that gives greater investment priority to highways with higher traffic volumes. High AADT gets a multiplier of 2. Medium AADT gets 1.5 and Low is a multiplier of 1.
Attribute Label: IDSRARM
Attribute Definition: A unique identifier for each highway segment: concatenation of RouteID and ARMWhole.
Attribute Label: ProtectedLands
Attribute Definition: Highway segment within ¼ mi of polygons greater than 500 ac in size representing the combined extent of lands protected for wildlife habitat values, both public and private. A 0 represents no such lands within a quarter mile. A 1 indicates occurrence of such blocks of land within ¼ mi.
Attribute Label: MaxRank
Attribute Definition: MaxRank is the highest of the values found in the EcoRank_C and SafeRnk_C fields. It’s useful when an application needs a single representation of a highway segment’s rank for Habitat Connectivity Investments.
Attribute Label: Netwks2_5win1mi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for two to five focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: LscpIntegrity
Attribute Definition: Landscape integrity polygon. A 0 indicates the landscape integrity polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: Caribou
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Woodland Caribou were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Woodland Caribou polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: Netwks6_10win1mi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for a six to ten focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: Shape
Attribute Definition: Feature geometry
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute Label: GlobalID
Attribute Label: BaseMltpldbyAADTfactor
Attribute Definition: This is the ecological rank multiplier that gives greater investment priority to highways with higher traffic volumes.
Attribute Label: Lynx
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of Canada Lynx were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates lynx range is not within 1/4 mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates lynx range is within 1/4 mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: EndAccumulatedRouteMile
Attribute Definition: The measure of a point at the end of a roadway segment along the length of a route in which the distance is measured as an accrual of mileage from the beginning of the route. The Accumulated Route Mile Begin may define the starting point for a business activity or measurement. For example, project location or roadside event.
Attribute Definition Source: WSDOT Application - DOTS
Attribute Label: Fisher
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing Fisher range were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates a Fisher polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates a polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: Ntwks1winhalfmi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for a single focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: RouteIdentifier
Attribute Definition: A unique Route identifier to identify a route (City,County State, Tribal, Forest) in any given data set. For State Routes, Route IDs are assigned by WSDOT's GIS and Roadway Data Office
Attribute Definition Source: WSDOT Application - DOTS
Attribute Label: WGraySquirrel
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Western Gray Squirrel were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Western Gray Squirrel polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the Polygons representing the range of the Western Gray Squirrel were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Western Gray Squirrel polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: BigGame
Attribute Definition: Polygons of the combined habitat ranges for big game species: northwest white-tailed deer, moose, elk, bighorn sheep, mule deer, and black bear. A 0 indicates the big game habitat polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: Ntwks2_5winqtrmi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for two to five focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: Shape.STLength()
Attribute Label: BasePts
Attribute Definition: Base pts contains the sum of points accrued for the hierarchical scoring of listed species/landscape integrity and the hierarchical scoring of proximity to focal species habitat networks.
Attribute Label: SafetyRank
Attribute Definition: Categories for the Wildlife-related Safety Rank: Low=1, Med=2, and High=3.
Attribute Label: WolfFed
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the gray wolf, where it is federally listed, were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the gray wolf polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: Ntwks1win1mi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for a single focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: Ntwks2_5winhalfmi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one half mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for two to five focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: NetworktPts
Attribute Definition: Higherarchical score for proximity to focal species networks, with a range from zero to five.
Attribute Label: GopherFed
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Mazama Pocket Gopher, where it is federally listed, were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Mazama Pocket Gopher polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: CorrID
Attribute Definition: The unique three digit numeric identifier given to a corridor.
Attribute Definition Source: Corridor Sketch Summary
Attribute Label: ListingPts
Attribute Definition: ListingPts is the final value assigned to a highway segment for its proximity to listed species ranges. It is higherarchical so it reflects the highest point value attained from proximity to the ranges one or more listed species.
Attribute Label: BeginAccumulatedRouteMile
Attribute Definition: The measure of a point at the beginning of a roadway segment along the length of a route in which the distance is measured as an accrual of mileage from the beginning of the route. The Accumulated Route Mile Begin may define the starting point for a business activity or measurement. For example, project location or roadside event.
Attribute Definition Source: WSDOT Application - DOTS
Attribute Label: Ntwks6_10winqtrmi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one quarter mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for a six to ten focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: GopherState
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Mazama Pocket Gopher, where it is state listed, were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Mazama Pocket Gopher polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: Wolverine
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Wolverine were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Wolverine polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: EstAADT
Attribute Definition: The estimated Annual Average Daily Traffic figure for 2011 for that highway segment.
Attribute Label: Region
Attribute Definition: WSDOT Region two letter abbreviation.
Attribute Label: GrizzlyBear
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of grizzly bear were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates grizzly range is not within 1/4 mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates grizzly range is within 1/4 mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: WolfState
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the gray wolf, where it is state listed, were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the gray wolf polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: EcoScoreProtectedMult
Attribute Definition: This attribute reflects application of a multiplier for highway segments within ¼ mi of protected land blocks. When a highway segment is within ¼ mi of such a block, this attribute contains the value of BasedMltpldbyAADTfactor X 2.
Attribute Label: StateRouteNumber
Attribute Definition: Three digit state route number.
Attribute Definition Source: The number assigned to the State Route and enacted into law by the Washington State Legislature
Attribute Label: ColWhiteTailDeer
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Columbian White-tailed Deer were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Columbian White-tailed Deer polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: WaGrndSquirrel
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Washington Ground Squirrel were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Washington Ground Squirrel polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: PygmyRabbit
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Pygmy Rabbit were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Pygmy Rabbit polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: Ntwks6_10winhalfmi
Attribute Definition: Highway segments within one half mile of polygons representing connected habitat networks for a six to ten focal species were selected. A 0 indicates no such networks within the threshold distance and a 1 indicates the presence of a network within the threshold distance.
Attribute Label: OrSpottedFrog
Attribute Definition: Polygons representing the range of the Oregon Spotted Frog were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Oregon Spotted Frog polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Definition Source: Polygons representing Oregon Spotted Frog Critical Habitat were intersected with the highway system. A 0 indicates the Oregon Spotted Frog polygon is not within ¼ mile of the highway segment and a 1 indicates the polygon is within ¼ mile of the highway segment.
Attribute Label: OBJECTID
Attribute Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute Label: LRSDate
Attribute Definition: The Linear Referencing System date that this record is using for location.
Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata Date: 20180814
Metadata Review Date: 20180206
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: WSDOT Environmental Services Office
Contact Person: ESO GIS Data Administrator
Contact Position: ESO GIS Data Administrator
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing
Address: P.O. Box 47331
City: Olympia
State or Province: WA
Postal Code: 98504-7331
Country: US
Contact Voice Telephone: 360-705-7476
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention: local time