ISO-19139 Metadata

Metadata Information

Metadata language: eng
Metadata character set: utf8
Last update: 2014-12-16
Metadata contact:
Role: originator
Organization's name: Boulder County Parks and Open Space
Scope of the data described by the metadata: dataset
Scope name: dataset
Name of the metadata standard used: ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
Version of the metadata standard: 2007
Metadata identifier: 1457478889100r4407746364743531

Data Identification Information

Resource citation:
Title: BOCO.PLANNING.BCCP_2013_EnvConsAreas
Reference date - creation: 2013-10-01
Reference date - publication: 2013-10-01
Presentation format: mapDigital
Themes or categories of the resource: biota, environment
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type not provided
Keywords: Downloadable Data
Keyword thesaurus:
Citation reference: 723f6998-058e-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type not provided
Keywords: ECA, conservation, preservation, Boulder County, Comprehensive Plan, Environmental Resources Element, 2013, Update
Abstract: Environmental Conservation Areas (ECAs) encompass the largest remaining relatively natural or restorable forests, shrublands, grasslands, and agricultural landscapes in Boulder County. ECAs are a framework for ecosystem management that identifies and designates valuable ecological areas and delineates corridors of connectivity between them regardless of ownership. ECAs are defined and described in the Environmental Resources Element of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan.
Purpose: Environmental Conservation Areas (ECAs) are a planning tool developed by the County and its agency partners for analyzing land use and land management decisions in the context of the cumulative effects of development, roads, trails and increased human presence at a landscape‐scale on these large and complex ecosystems. This land use decision‐making tool is used as a strategy for maintaining the wide‐ranging animal species, native plant communities, and natural ecological processes that operate at this landscape scale.
Dataset language:eng
Dataset character set: utf8
Resource constraints:
General constraints:
Limitations of use:
Spatial representation type: vector
Processing environment: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS
Resource extent:
Resource extent:
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
Extent contains the resource: true
West longitude: -105.695355
East longitude: -105.054001
North latitude: 40.263364
South latitude: 39.912896
Credits: Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department

Spatial Representation

Vector Data

Level of topology for this dataset: geometryOnly
Geometric objects:
Object type: composite
Object count: 14

Reference System Information

Reference system identifier:
Value: 2876
Code space: EPSG
Version: 8.2.6

Distribution Information

Distributor contact:
Role: originator
Organization's name: Boulder County Parks and Open Space
Distributor format:
Format name: SDE Feature Class
Format version: 10.2
Distributor transfer options:
Distribution format:
Format name: SDE Feature Class
Format version: 10.2